16. Apr. 2021

Funding of Innovative Ideas via Innobooster

Winterthur – The innovation program NTN Innovation Booster Applied Circular Sustainability promotes the implementation of projects for the circular economy. The Innosuisse program is being coordinated by the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, and it is now accepting project ideas. The innovation program Innovation Booster Applied Circular Sustainability ( NTN IB ACS) supported by Innosuisse will promote “100% circular concepts and solutions”. The Center for Production and Process Development at the School of Engineering of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) has reported this in a press release. As the “leading house”, it is coordinating the innovation booster’s activities. Interested parties have been able to submit their ideas since the end of March. Projects that qualify for the funding instrument will attract maximum support of 25,000 Swiss francs each. Moreover, the NTN IB ACS is supporting companies and project initiatives to “illuminate the various aspects of the circular economy and help them to develop their ideas,” the ZHAW writes. The project ideas submitted should be based on “circular business models” and “have 100% closed biological and technical material cycles”. EPEA Switzerland is one of the network partners in this innovation program.